Dec 17, 2022
Dec 17th was never going to be just another Stew.
It’s the first of two Christmas shows. The Christmas vibe is always different for so many reasons. Some want nothing to do with it. Many embrace it fully. I’m an All In guy.
Thankfully some find a way to give back and make a difference. Food Banks, shelters, packages left on doorsteps, etc.
I grew up in North Vancouver where my Father was a Game Warden.
His close friends were police officers and firefighters.
So I’ve always had a connection to that location and community.
I saw a posting go by a week ago and it shone a light for me.
I hope it does the same for you. Please let your audience know that they can help the people of Ukraine through a brutal Winter and War. The complete interview can be heard on Mulligan Stew Podcast and my YouTube Channel. THANK YOU
North Shore Fire Departments Launch Project Frozen: Winter Clothing & Blanket Blitz for Ukraine In a Canadian first, all three North Shore fire departments have teamed up in a two-week collection blitz to send a mountain of winter clothing and blankets to Ukraine. This winter in Ukraine will be the bleakest in anyone's lifetime. No power, no heat, no light, or intermittent at best, for much of the country, which is bigger than Canada. Project Frozen, led by the District of North Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services (DNVFRS) and Defend Ukraine Foundation (DUF), hopes to collect 3,000 winter jackets and blankets, and $15,000 for shipping, by December 20. This is an ambitious project: Reynolds and Mudry hope to fill a 40-foot sea container with 20 pallets of winter gear, each 40' x 48" x 8 feet high
Tax-deductive donations to fund shipping can be made through either: - District of North Vancouver Firefighters Charitable Society: (PayPal, credit card, cheque - mark "Ukraine") - Defend Ukraine Foundation (cheque or wire)
My guests at the top of hour two are Firefighter Jared Reynolds and Retired Investigator Brent Mudry.(paternal grandparents from Ukraine)
We can help this humanitarian effort: clothing for a Ukraine Winter
by donating to
Thank you