Sep 23, 2023
The first guest is singer/songwriter/composer Marc Jordan.
He and his love Amy Sky were show-stopping guests on the 2023 CKUA Juno Couch.
Then, they sang songs from their nominated album He Sang. She Sang.
Now Marc returns to The Stew with his latest solo gem, Waiting for the Sun to Rise.
Marc continues his journey...
Sep 16, 2023
Crash the Time Machine The Odds 7th album has been released. The basic Odds lineup of Craig Northey, Pat Steward, Murray Atkinson and Doug Elliott are joined by the 5th Odd – Steven Page.
This is songwriting at a very high level, then taken even higher by players who are truly gifted.
I’m so glad that these guys...
Sep 9, 2023
The Sept 9 Mulligan Stew has a special guest – Ariel Posen.
He’s just achieving liftoff in his career but there's absolutely no denying he has a profile arc heading up.
A session guitarist in Winnipeg (I saw him as the second guitarist in Bros. Landreth. If Ariel is playing beside Joey Landreth and more than...
Sep 2, 2023
We revisit two Canadian icons who join forces and become partners in music.
One is/was Gord Downie. Lead singer and songwriter of The Tragically Hip.
Truly beloved. And hugely missed after losing his fight to cancer but went out in a blaze of songs with The Hip and the last Cross Canada Tour.
The other is Bob Rock....