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Mulligan Stew

Even though iconic Canadian broadcaster Terry David Mulligan currently hosts a weekly 2-hour music show and a weekly food and wine series he’s been interviewing music stars for over 50 years on radio and TV.

50 years of rock and roll. 15 years of film interviews and 9 years of food and wine stories.

Jun 27, 2020

“The songs on Agricultural Tragic sparkle with a kind of authenticity that only someone who lives that life can project.”  -  American Songwriter


“Canada's finest outlaw songsmith returns to the clever humor that made him a star… one of 2020's most well rounded and re-playable releases.”  -  

Jun 20, 2020


Welcome to The Mulligan Stew Podcast.  We’re over 100 shows now...

I always hear a phrase…. “I’m in the family business”

Now, that works if your family are Store Owners, or Office Workers, Doctors. Nurses. Teachers. Farmers etc.

We have two guests today who are friends and fathers.

Jim Cuddy from Blue Rodeo...

Jun 12, 2020

Has the Side Door become the Front Door?


Singer/Songwriter Dan Mangan shared a “movement – an idea” with me on Mulligan Stew Radio.   Jan 6, the first show of  2018.


“We are building a platform where artists can earn a living by trimming the overhead of touring. We help you find magical small spaces...

Jun 6, 2020

It’s like the storyline out of a bestselling book.

In the middle of a political battle for the life of a nation and a virus that takes the lives of 1000’s of its citizens,  a  black man dies at the hands of a police offer while his squad looks on.

The truth is caught on a phone camera and shown to The World.
