Jun 20, 2020
Welcome to The Mulligan Stew Podcast. We’re over 100 shows now...
I always hear a phrase…. “I’m in the family business”
Now, that works if your family are Store Owners, or Office Workers, Doctors. Nurses. Teachers. Farmers etc.
We have two guests today who are friends and fathers.
Jim Cuddy from Blue Rodeo and The Jim Cuddy Band.
Barney Bentall. Leader of Cariboo Express. High Bar Gang. BYU and his own solo career.
How is the family dynamic changed when their sons and daughters follow them in the music business.
Share the stage. Maybe even write songs together. (maybe being the keyword)
And how do family members like being the subject of songs they hear on the radio?
I was excited to get these two pals together and exchange life experiences.